FNTG Symposium: Online program
Sep. 1 (Sun)
Carbon nanotubes: Applications
Special lecture
Accelerating the practical application of carbon nanotubes through trans-scale material innovation from nanoscale to macroscale
*Yasuhiko Hayashi, Hiroo Suzuki
High-Accuracy Thermal-Conductivity Measurement of Ultra-Thin CNT/Polymer Composite Ribbons
*Naw Blessing Oo, Nikita Kumari, Ryo Abe, Naofumi Okamoto, Manish Pandey, Hiroaki Benten, Masakazu Nakamura
Carbon nanotubes: Chemistry
Optimizing and Controlling the Oxidation Degree of Carbon Nanotubes: A Comparative Study of Different Treatments
*Minfang Zhang, Mei Yang, Makoto Yaguchi, Shunsuke Sukurai, Don Futaba
Coffee break
Others: Others
Invited lecture
Utilization of Microorganisms Degrading Environmental Pollutants and Lignin to Enhance Plastic Waste Degradation
*Takahito Watanabe
Carbon nanotubes: Applications
Advanced Facial Mask Using Roll-to-Roll Processed Superhydrophobic Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes for Enhanced Antiviral Effects and Reusability
*IL JEON, Hyung Woo Lee
Poster preview
Poster session
Fullerenes: Chemistry
Isolation of H2OLi+ cluster within fullerene via organic synthesis and plasma implantation method
*Anju Ogino, Hiroshi Ueno, Manabu Kanno, Yoshifumi Hashikawa, Hiroshi Okada, Shinobu Aoyagi, Yasujiro Murata, Fuminori Misaizu
Carbon nanotubes: Synthesis and growth
Bimetallic catalysts Fe-Co for the controlled growth of SWCNTs
*Qingmei Hu, Ya Feng, Kunio Mori, Ryo Yoshikawa, Yongjia Zheng, Wanyu Dai, Ryotaro Kaneda, Aina Fitό Parera, Wim Wenseleers, Sofie Cambré, Shohei Chiashi, Rong Xiang, Keigo Otsuka, Shigeo Maruyama
Carbon nanotubes: Applications
A semiconducting CNT-based infrared sensor showing mV-photo-thermoelectric response
*Masayuki Ishihara, Daichi Suzuki, Takeshi Yamao, Yoshiyuki Nonoguchi
Design and fabrication of carbon nanotube-based selective absorber toward highly-efficient solar-thermal energy harvesting
*Hengkai Wu, Taishi Nishihara, Takeshi Tanaka, Hiromichi Kataura, Yuhei Miyauchi
Carbon nanotubes: Others
Nondestructive testing of spatial defect distribution in SWNT thin films using electrical impedance tomography
*Keiya Minakawa, Reiji Kaneko, Taiki Nakada, Takashi Ikuno
Graphene and 2D materials: Synthesis and growth
Transfer-assisted formation of aligned graphene nanoscrolls
*Tomoki Maezawa, Pablo Solís Fernández, Maki Nakatani, Hiroki Ago
Graphene and 2D materials: Transport property
In-situ TEM observation of GaSe nanoribbon switched by electron irradiation
*Mai Nakashima, Limi Chen, Kohei Aso, Yukiko Yamada-Takamura, Yoshifumi Oshima
Graphene and 2D materials: Applications
Lithium-ion battery electrode properties of Hydrogen boride nanosheets
*Tatsuya Akiyama, Marina Ukai, Yosuke Ishii, Shinji Kawasaki, Yoshiyuki Hattori
Electrical properties of hBN-capped MoTe2 monolayers fabricated by gold mediated exfoliation
*Taku Yoshimura, Rikuto Yamamura, Hiroshi Shigeno, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Yusuke Hoshi
Carbon nanotubes: Synthesis and growth
Synthesis and optical characterization of NbS2 based van der Waals heterostructures
*Wanyu Dai, Yongjia Zheng, Akihito Kumamoto, Mina Maruyama, Susumu Okada, Slava V. Rotkin, Esko I. Kauppinen, Keigo Otsuka, Yuichi Ikuhara, Rong Xiang, Shigeo Maruyama
Important Factors Affecting Spinnability of Carbon Nanotube Yarn Spun from Dense and Long Carbon Nanotube Forest
*Kazunari Kinoshita, Hiroo Suzuki, Takeshi Nishikawa, Yasuhiko Hayashi
Carbon nanotubes: Chemistry
Elucidation of growth mechanism of single-walled carbon nanotubes from Ni catalysts by in situ XAFS measurement
*Shinya Mizuno, Shusaku Karasawa, Takahiro Saida, Shigeya Naritsuka, Takahiro Maruyama
Solvent Effects on sp3 Defect Formation in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
*Shu Suzuki, Kentaro Shiraki, Momoyo Wada, Takeshi Tanaka, Hiromichi Kataura, Atsushi Hirano
Carbon nanotubes: Optical property
Structure dependence of optical reflectance of omni-directionally oriented MWNTs
*Hokuto Sakoda, Riko Matsuzaki, Hiroshi Furuta, Kazuya Kobiro
Carbon nanotubes: Electronic structure
Carbon nanotube thin-film transistors with inorganic polymer insulator
*Eito Kuromiya, Haruki Uchiyama, Masahiro Matsunaga, Shunto Arai, Hiromichi Kataura, Yutaka Ohno
Carbon nanotubes: Applications
Development of a multimodal interface for strain, thermal, and optical sensing
*Daichi Suzuki, Nao Terasaki
Thermoelectric properties of mixed films with two types of single-walled carbon nanotubes
*Yutaro Okano, Hisatoshi Yamamoto, Shugo Miyake, Masayuki Takashiri
Chromatographic assessment of the affinity of organic molecules for super-growth single-walled carbon nanotubes
*Taiyo Shimizu, Ryoichi Kishi, Atsushi Hirano, Ken Kokubo, Kenji Hata
Preparation of aligned films with liquid crystal dispersion of high aspect ratio carbon nanotubes by dip-coating
*Nodoka Kosugi, Hideaki Nakajima, Keiko Kojima, Hirokuni Jintoku, Kazufumi Kobashi, Toshiya Okazaki
Optical geometric pixel-alignment design for nanocarbon photo-thermoelectric camera sheets
*Yukito Kon, Minami Yamamoto, Yuto Matsuzaki, Leo Takai, Ryoga Odawara, Yukio Kawano, Kou Li
Development of Dual-Functional Device for Rapid NO2 Gas Detection and Persistent Cumulative Exposure Memory using Single-walled Carbon Nanotube
*Sihyeok Kim, Chan-Woo Jung, Peng Liu, Jang Woo Lee, Il Hyun Lee, Esko I. Kauppinen, Keekeun Lee, Il Jeon
Delay analysis on flexible carbon nanotube CMOS ring oscillator for human body communication
*Dai Muto, Haruki Uchiyama, Hiromichi Kataura, Yutaka Ohno
Carbon nanotubes: Others
Electromigraion-driven twin deformation of Co nanorod fillers at the inner-diameter step of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Shogo Matsuyama, Kanato Kumon, *Hideo Kohno
Structural and dynamical features of solid-liquid coexisting water confined inside open-ends carbon nanotubes
*Wenjie Liu, Ikuma Kohata, Yuki Maekawa, Takahiro Yamamoto, Yoshikazu Homma, Shohei Chiashi
Graphene and 2D materials: Synthesis and growth
Bottom-up synthesis of graphene-superconductor junctions by Plasma CVD
*Yuto Tsukidate, Zhuoqun Li, Hiroto Ogura, Toshiaki Kato
Optimization of synthesis process of Janus WSSe by Se atom substitution using H2 plasma to chemical vapor deposition-grown monolayer WS2
*Hiroo Suzuki, Shu Nagasawa, Yasuhiko Hayashi
Graphene and 2D materials: Chemistry
Twist-angle dependence of chemical reactivity of bilayer graphene
*Maki Matsuda, Pablo Solís Fernández, Takako Matsunaga, Susumu Okada, Ago Hiroki
NBN-pattern embedded nanographene toward tuning interactions with layered materials
*Yuya Miyake, Naoki Komatsu, Kazuyuki Takai
Graphene and 2D materials: Optical property
K-doped graphene/diamond (111) 2D/3D heterostructure for stabilizing the shallow nitrogen vacancy centers
*Mitsuhiro Okada, Moriyoshi Haruyama, Yuki Okigawa, Hiromitsu Kato, Toshiharu Makino, Takatoshi Yamada
Nonlinear optical properties of monolayer SnS
*Yuki Kusunoki, Katsunori Wakabayashi
Graphene and 2D materials: Transport property
Prediction of MD vibrational spectra of oligomers by a machine learning regression algorithm in graphene SERS sensor
*Tatiana Zolotoukhina, Yasuhiro Yamamoto
Graphene and 2D materials: Applications
Visualization of Raman peaks in graphene FET arrays
*Tomomi Nakano, Shota Ushiba, Yuka Tokuda, Shinsuke Tani, Masahiko Kimura, Kazuhiko Matsumoto
Graphene and 2D materials: Others
Plasma treated polyvinyl chloride film for efficient transfer of CVD-grown two-dimensional materials
*Bin Xu, Satoru Masubuchi, Yusai Wakafuji, Yuanzhe Li, Tomoki Machida, Junichiro Shiomi
Others: Transport property
Electronic transport properties of In-intercalated bundles of W6Te6 wires
*Akito Shimamura, Ryusuke Natsui, Yusuke Nakanishi, Hiroshi Shimizu, Zheng Liu, Yung-Chang Lin, Iori Kikuchi, Jiang Pu, Takahiko Endo, Kazu Suenaga, Taishi Takenobu, Yasumitsu Miyata
Others: Others
Bisphosphonate-loaded carbon nanohorns and their bisphosphonate-type dependent cellular response
*Maki Nakamura, Yumiko Yamamoto, Minfang Zhang, Katsuya Ueda, Kaoru Aoki, Naoto Saito, Masako Yudasaka
Others: Transport property
Transport Characteristics of CVD-synthesized WS2 Nanotubes with diameter of 10 nm
*Masaharu Kikuchi, Akane Ihara, Ahad Abdul, Rahman Md.Ashiqur, Shigeki Saito, Yanagi Kazuhiro
Graphene and 2D materials: Synthesis and growth
Invited lecture
Solution-based processing of 2D materials for scalable electronics
*Joohoon Kang
Invited lecture
Laser-based Selective Treatment for 2D Heterostructure Synthesis and Its Properties
Min Cheol Cheon, *Seoung-Ki Lee
Carbon nanotubes: Applications
Invited lecture
Novel electrocatalytic activity at edge sites of unzipped carbon nanotubes
*Joonwon Lim
Coffee break
Graphene and 2D materials: Chemistry
MoSe2-Sensitized Water Splitting Assisted by C60-Dendron on the Basal Surface
*Yutaka Takaguchi, Arif Efendi, Ninh Van Tran, Mariko Yukimoto, Tomoki Matsuura, Tomoyuki Tajima
Pyrene-linked molybdenum disulfide nanosheet with N-benzylsuccineimide spacer
*Tomokazu Umeyama, Daizu Mizutani, Hiroshi Imahori
Fullerenes: Chemistry
Synthesis and Properties of Diiridium Complexes Coordinated by Li+@C60⊂[10]CPP
*Chinari Fukushi, Hiroshi Ueno, Takashi Komuro, Hisako Hashimoto
Sep. 2 (Mon)
Others: Synthesis and growth
Invited lecture
Solvothermal Synthesis of Submicron Size Porous Metal Oxide Spheres and Their Applications
*Kazuya Kobiro
Carbon nanotubes: Applications
Invited lecture
Introduction to the development of carbon nanotube applications
*Ryota Yoshihara, Youji Ishizaki
Defect-free dispersion of single-wall carbon nanotubes
*Hiromichi Kataura, Mariko Kubota, Mayumi Tsuzuki, Takeshi Tanaka
Others: Applications
Application of Glucuronoxylan to Carbon-Dispersion Aid
*Yasushi Nakata, Yoshihiro Umetani, Junichi Takahara, Shinichi Kitamura
Coffee break
Fullerenes: Chemistry
Linking Two Chiral Holey [60]Fullerenes
*Yoshifumi Hashikawa, Yasujiro Murata
Carbon nanotubes: Applications
High-Speed Emission of Polarized Thermal Radiation from an Electrically Driven Aligned Carbon Nanotube Film
*Shinichiro Matano, Natsumi Komatsu, Shengjie Yu, Jacques Doumani, Yui Shimura, Junichiro Kono, Hideyuki Maki
Poster preview
Award ceremony
General meeting
Poster session
Fullerenes: Applications
Silicon-Functionalized Fullerene Derivatives: Next Generation Multifunctional Additives for Use in Lithium Metal Batteries
*Yeounggyu Lee, Youngho Seo, Hiroshi Ueno, Changhee Lee, Il Jeon
Fullerenes: Others
Pressure induced transformation in solvated fullerenes grown from pyridine solution
*Yuyu Suzuki, Ryo Suzuki, Masaru Tachibana
Carbon nanotubes: Chemistry
Synthetic studies on sumanene derivatives for chemical modification of CNTs and fullerenes
*Lisa Sugitani, Kenta Kaibara, Yuta Uetake, Yumi Yakiyama, Hidehiro Sakurai
Carbon nanotubes: Optical property
Optical properties of nanocomposite materials composed of high-purity semiconducting carbon nanotubes and boron nitride nanotubes
*Fumiki Kimpara, Zhirui Liu, Taishi Nishihara, Yuhei Miyauchi
MD simulation on thermal expansion of carbon nanotube bundles
*Akari Sudo, Takahiro Yamamoto
Graphene and 2D materials: Synthesis and growth
Effect of synthesis methods on the structural and magnetic properties of N-doped graphitic carbon materials
*Moeka Taniguchi, Hironori Ogata, Masaru Tachibana
Graphene and 2D materials: Transport property
Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties of Two-Dimensional Materials by Nano Structuring
*Tashi Xu, Bin Xu, Yuanzhe Li, Takashi Kodama, Junichiro Shiomi
Graphene and 2D materials: Applications
Investigation of Electromotive Force at Graphene – Water Interface under Temperature Controlled Space
*Koichi Takano, Naoya Iwamoto, Mitsuhiro Honda, Masaki Tanemura, Ichiro Yamashita, Atsuki Komiya, Takeru Okada
Graphene and 2D materials: Others
Advanced 2D material production combined with robotic system and Bayesian optimization
*Wataru Idehara, Fan Yang, Keisuke Shinokita, Kazunari Matsuda
Fullerenes: Applications
Nonvolatile Memory Using Fullerene Channels on Silicon Substrate
*Hiroshi Suga, Masato Takei, Kazuhito Tsukagoshi
Carbon nanotubes: Synthesis and growth
Growth and characterization of Janus MoSSe nanotubes on SWCNT-BNNT heterostructures
*Chunxia Yang, Yongjia Zheng, Qingyun Lin, Yuta Sato, Yanlin Gao, Mina Maruyama, Susumu Okada, Kazu Suenaga, Rong Xiang, Shigeo Maruyama
Exploration of Alloy Clusters for Structurally Controlled Synthesis of CNT
*Daisuke Asa, Daniel Hedman, Ryo Yoshikawa, Ikuma Kohata, Kaoru Hisama, Christophe Bichara, Keigo Otsuka, Shigeo Maruyama
Approach for low temperature growth of FeSe nanowire in the carbon nanotube
*Yuji Saiki, Shunji Bandow
Carbon nanotubes: Chemistry
Solvent Search using Machine Learning for Coagulation Bath in Preparation of Carbon Nanotube Fibers by Wet Spinning
*Yuichi Kato, Tetsuya Horiuchi, Masahiro Yamamura, Takushi Sugino, Hirosato Monobe
Carbon nanotubes: Optical property
Upconversion photoluminescence properties of (6,4) single-chirality carbon nanotube membranes for optical thermometry applications
*Shun Aota, Zhirui Liu, Taishi Nishihara, Takeshi Tanaka, Hiromichi Kataura, Yuhei Miyauchi
Carbon nanotubes: Electronic structure
Performance evaluations of carbon nanotube photo-thermoelectric imagers by controlling chemical solvents via high-yield post-cleaning approaches
*Hayato Hamashima, Ryoga Odawara, Kouhei Murakami, Minami Yamamoto, Yukio Kawano, Kou Li
Carbon nanotubes: Transport property
Memristive resistance in Transverse Electrical Conduction in CNT Forest
*Yuki Sato, Ryuichi Shinsei, Hiroshi Furuta
Carbon nanotubes: Applications
Carbon nanotubes as candidate materials for removing B, Si and As from hot spring drainage
*Rina Inuzuka, Ryuichiro Sakurai, Masaru Irita, Takahiro Yamamoto
Fabrication and Characterization of Peptide-modified Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Biosensor
*Asahi Nagamine, Haruki Uchiyama, Hiromichi Kataura, Chishu Homma, Yuhei Hayamizu, Yutaka Ohno
Effect of transient voltage in MWNT/PDMS composite on short-term memory of physical reservoir computing
*Kohei Hara, Hiroaki Komatsu, Takashi Ikuno
Photocurrent spectroscopy measurements of MoS2 and its heterostructures with single-walled carbon nanotubes
*Ziqiu Zhang, Keigo Otsuka, Shohei Chiashi, Shigeo Maruyama
MWCNT-Coated Conductive Fabric for Wearable Sensing Applications
*Muhammad Shahbaz, Hiroshi Furuta
Work-Function Tunable Solution-Based CNT Electrodes for Energy-Efficient Metal Halide Perovskite Based Memristors in Neuromorphic Synaptic Applications
*Jang Woo Lee, Tae Hoon Kim, Liang Cai, Ryosuke Nakajima, Naoumi Hasumi, Sungjoo Lee, Suguru Noda, Il Jeon
Work-Function Tunable Solution-Based CNT Electrodes for Reconfigurable Metal Halide Perovskite Based Memristors in Neuromorphic Synaptic Applications
*Jang Woo Lee, Tae Hoon Kim, Liang Cai, Sihyeok Kim, Ryosuke Nakajima, Naoumi Hasumi, Sungjoo Lee, Suguru Noda, Il Jeon
Impact of photolithography-based device fabrication on Raman G/D ratio of semiconducting carbon nanotubes
*Haruki Uchiyama, Yudai Yoshikawa, Dai Muto, Hiromichi Kataura, Yutaka Ohno
Carbon nanotubes: Others
Determining the force of electromigration and the sliding friction exerted on Co fillers inside multi-walled carbon nanotubes
*Kensuke Adachi, Shogo Matsuyama, Yuki Sakai, Hideo Kohno
Graphene and 2D materials: Synthesis and growth
Impact of Twisted Angle on CVD Growth of MoS2 on Bilayer Graphene
*Shun Tonegawa, Shinichiro Mouri
Effect of pre-heat treatment on graphene growth on steel substrate by CVD method
*Yuta Komenoi, Kenta Hiratochi, Tetsuo Shimizu, Toshitaka Kubo, Hiroshi Suga
Comparative study of epitaxial alignment of graphene on both m-plane and r-plane sapphires
*Shigeya Naritsuka, Yuta Yanase, Takahiro Maruyama
Graphene and 2D materials: Chemistry
Role of sulfur vacancies in oxygen molecular doping on MoS2
*Takumi Yoshida, Moeko Maeda, Yasushi Ishiguro, Kazuyuki Takai
Graphene and 2D materials: Optical property
Polarization-resolved Photoluminescence spectroscopy of twisted heterobilayer of 2D semiconductors
*Yuto Urano, Mengsong Xue, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Ryo Kitaura
Graphene and 2D materials: Electronic structure
Interaction between Oxygen-containing Functional Groups on Graphene: First-principles Calculations
*Takazumi Kawai, Yoshiyuki Miyamoto
Graphene and 2D materials: Transport property
Direct growth of patterned NbSe2 electrodes on WSe2 for p-type electrical contact
*Ritsuki Okukawa, Shota Toida, Takahiko Endo, Yusuke Nakanishi, Yasumitsu Miyata
Graphene and 2D materials: Applications
Desalination using nanowindows in crystalline single layered graphene
Toshio Takagi, *Katsuyuki Murata, Katsumi Kaneko
Graphene and 2D materials: Others
The influence of the solution pH for the self-assembly of (XH)4 peptides on graphite
*Yuito Takahashi
Others: Synthesis and growth
Edge-epitaxial growth and structural analysis of WTe2
*Yudai Sonezaki, Yusuke Nakanishi, Yasumitsu Miyata, Zheng Liu
Others: Optical property
Linearly polarized luminescence of C12H2 polyyne molecules aligned in PVA films
*Tomonari Wakabayashi, Yuri Fujii, Yuya Ikeda, Keito Morimoto, Nanase Kohno, Hal Suzuki
Carbon nanotubes: Optical property
Invited lecture
Exciton transfer and interface excitons in mixed-dimensional heterostructures
*Nan Fang, Yih-Ren Chang, Shun Fujii, Daiki Yamashita, Mina Maruyama, Yanlin Gao, Chee Fai Fong, Daichi Kozawa, Keigo Otsuka, Kosuke Nagashio, Susumu Okada, Yuichiro Kato
Graphene and 2D materials: Electronic structure
Energetics and electronic structures of bilayer Nb-doped WSSe
*Yanlin Gao, Susumu Okada
Spontaneous wrinkling of Janus WSSe: Energetics and electronic structures of corrugated in-plane heterostructures of Janus WSSe
*Mina Maruyama, Susumu Okada, Yanlin Gao
Sep. 3 (Tue)
Graphene and 2D materials: Electronic structure
Special lecture
Recent progress in electron microscope measurement on exfoliated 2D materials
*Kyoko Ishizaka
Carbon nanotubes: Electronic structure
Electrostatic properties of double-walled BN nanotubes
*Nadia Sultana, Yanlin Gao, Mina Maruyama, Susumu Okada
Coffee break
Carbon nanotubes: Optical property
Invited lecture
Visualizing local exciton formation and many-body dynamics in single-walled carbon nanotubes
*Takashi Kumagai
Others: Optical property
Frequency-modulated terahertz radiation from a layered superconductor of Bi2212
*Itsuhiro Kakeya
Poster preview
Poster session
Fullerenes: Transport property
Fabrication and measurement of field effect transistors of solvated C70 whiskers
*Yuto Sakai, Ryo Suzuki, Nobuyuki Aoki, Masaru Tachibana
Carbon nanotubes: Synthesis and growth
Low-temperature Synthesis of Confined Carbyne inside Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
*Bowen Zhang, Xiyang Qiu, Qingmei Hu, Ya Feng, Aina Fitó Parera, Yongjia Zheng, YuHuang Wang, Yutaka Matsuo, Shohei Chiashi, Rong Xiang, Sofie Cambré, Wim Wenseleers, Slava V. Rotkin, Keigo Otsuka, Shigeo Maruyama
Carbon nanotubes: Optical property
Semi-automated Preparation of ssDNA-wrapped SWCNTs Dispersions for Investigating Correlation between Sensor Performance and Fabrication Parameters
*Jaewon Chang, Yeongjoo Suh, Seonghyeon An, Sanghwa Jeong
Observation of exciton thermal radiation from single-chirality carbon nanotube membranes
*Akiteru Takahashi, Kaichi Teranishi, Shounosuke Takaichi, Taishi Nishihara, Yuhei Miyauchi
Carbon nanotubes: Transport property
Signature of RBM and G-mode Phonons Appearing in High-Frequency Current Noise of Carbon Nanotubes
*Aina Sumiyoshi, Raimu Akimoto, Takahiro Yamamoto
Graphene and 2D materials: Synthesis and growth
Synthesis of h-BN and graphene on sapphire by non catalytic CVD
*Hodaka Nishimura, Waka Miyata, Keigo Otsuka, Shigeo Maruyama, Shohei Chiashi
Graphene and 2D materials: Optical property
High current density in electric double layer light-emitting devices of WSe2 monolayers
*Koshi Oi, Hao Ou, Jiang Pu, Takahiko Endo, Yasumitsu Miyata, Taishi Takenobu
Graphene and 2D materials: Transport property
Correlation between heat flow and electrical current across mono-domain 3 layered MoS2
*Shojiro Asatori, Kan Ueji, Shigeki Saito, Takahiko Endo, Yoshihiko Kaneko, Takashi Yagi, Yasumitsu Miyata, Kazuhiro Yanagi
Graphene and 2D materials: Applications
Investigation of Flow State and Electromotive Force at Interface between Graphene and Water Flow
*Atsuhiro Matsui, Koichi Takano, Naoya Iwamoto, Mitsuhiro Honda, Masaki Tanemura, Ichiro Yamashita, Atsuki Komiya, Takeru Okada
Fullerenes: Synthesis and growth
Selective synthesis of monocyclopropanated fullerene derivatives by the reaction of sulfur containing compounds with fullerenes
*Takatoshi Ito, Shuhei Sumino, Fukashi Matsumoto, Toshiyuki Iwai
Carbon nanotubes: Synthesis and growth
Quantifying the opposing effects of alcohol feedstocks on growth kinetics of individual carbon nanotubes by isotope labeling method
*Keigo Otsuka, Shigeo Maruyama
Optimizing Double-Layer Catalyst Support Structure for the Synthesis of Vertically Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays
*Shunsuke Sakurai, Takashi Tsuji, Don Futaba
Carbon nanotubes: Chemistry
Evolution of Raman scattering spectrum in chemisorption of sumanene onto semiconducting carbon nanotubes
*Takumi Nakano, Lisa Sugitani, Yumi Yakiyama, Hidehiro Sakurai, Yanlin Gao, Mina Maruyama, Susumu Okada, Hiromichi Kataura, Haruki Uchiyama, Yutaka Ohno
Carbon nanotubes: Optical property
Honeycomb cell structures formed in drop-casting CNT films for high efficient solar absorber applications
*Saiful Islam, Hiroshi Furuta
Carbon nanotubes: Electronic structure
Paste-like carbon nanotube-inorganic hybrid photo-thermoelectric sensors
*Kou Li, Yuto Matsuzaki, Reiji Tadenuma, Yuto Aoshima, Minami Yamamoto, Leo Takai, Norika Takahashi, Yukio Kawano
Carbon nanotubes: Transport property
Thermoelectric performance change of carbon nanotubes by adsorption of Pd nanoclusters
*Akari Yoshida, Moka Miyabe, Nayu Araki, Takahiro Yamamoto
Carbon nanotubes: Applications
In situ scanning electron microscopy observation of micrometer-scale peristaltic pumping
*Haruto Hori, Hideo Kohno
High-temperature operating Li secondary battery realized using CNT current collector, BNNT separator, and ionic liquid electrolyte
*Masaya Kawaguchi, Kentaro Kaneko, Tomotaro Mae, Suguru Noda
Carbon Nanotube-Based Immunochromatographic Assays
*Yoko Iizumi, Ayumi Ishibashi, Toshiya Okazaki
Structure and electrocatalytic properties of carbon nanotube-based nanocomposite films
*Hironori Ogata, Nene Kosaku, Kosuke Fujikura, Moeka Taniguchi
Enhancing Li-Metal Anode Stability with Dry-Transferred Aerosol-Synthesized Carbon Nanotube Protective Barrier
*Yeounggyu Lee, Youngho Seo, Ilya Novikov, Changhee Lee, Il Jeon
Relationship between temperature coefficient of resistance and gate voltage of high-purity semiconducting carbon nanotube films
*Toshie Miyamoto, Tomo Tanaka, Takashi Miyazaki, Megumi Kanaori, Noriyuki Tonouchi, Akinobu Shibuya, Takeshi Saito, Yuki Kuwahara, Takeshi Hashimoto, Ryota Yuge
Yield improvement of CNT-based ReRAMs with Ti nucleation layer
*Takuto Sakakibara, Haruki Uchiyama, Adha Aji, Yutaka Ohno
Investigation of changes in evaporation amount and output voltage of an evaporative cooling SWCNT thermoelectric generator by irradiation of light of a specific wavelength
*Reon Okutsu, Yuto Nakazawa, Masayuki Takashiri
Carbon nanotubes: Others
Anomaly detection of CNT forest cross-sectional SEM image using machine learning
*Ryuichi Shinsei, Hiroshi Furuta
Graphene and 2D materials: Synthesis and growth
Selective Patterning of Janus TMDs with All Dry Processing
*Dingkun Bi, Weizi Lu, Soma Aoki, Tianyishan Sun, Hiroto Ogura, Toshiaki Kato
Graphene and 2D materials: Chemistry
Synthesis and photophysical properties of pyrene-functionalized WS2 nanosheets
*Miraki Sonae, Wataru Suzuki, Tomokazu Umeyama
Graphene and 2D materials: Optical property
Electronic and Optical Properties induced by Out-of-Plane Mirror Symmetry Breaking in Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
*Tomoaki Kameda, Katsunori Wakabayashi
Graphene and 2D materials: Electronic structure
Electronic properties of bilayer graphene with asymmetric tensile strain
Nadia Sultana, Mina Maruyama, Yanlin Gao, *Susumu Okada
Graphene and 2D materials: Transport property
Electrical conductance of suspended MoS2 nanoribbon measured by in-situ transmission electron microscope
*Limi Chen, Chunmeng Liu, Fayong Liu, Kareekunnan Afsal, Hiroshi Mizuta, Yoshifumi Oshima
Graphene and 2D materials: Applications
CVD growth and magnetic tunnel junction application of few-layer hexagonal boron nitride
*Shunsuke Masuda, Satoru Emoto, Hiroki Kusunose, Satoru Fukamachi, Takashi Kimura, Yung-Chang Lin, Haiming Sun, Kazu Suenaga, Hiroki Ago
Formation of Lipid membrane on h-BN Surface Assisted by Self-Assembled Peptides
*Sochiro Kato, Yuhei Hayamizu
Graphene and 2D materials: Others
Thermal transport property of graphene/h-BN moiré superlattice
*Yusuke Kodama, Shinichiro Mouri
Composition-dependent optical properties of transition metal dichalcogenide nanoscrolls
*Masahiko Kaneda, Wenjin Zhang, Takahiko Endo, Yusuke Nakanishi, Hiroshi Nakajo, Soma Aoki, Toshiaki Kato, Yasumitsu Miyata
Others: Optical property
Anisotropic Raman responses of Mo6Te6 nanowires encapsulated within carbon nanotubes
*Takumi Tanaka, Yuta Sato, Kazu Suenaga, Yasumitsu Miyata, Yusuke Nakanishi
Others: Electronic structure
Graphite-peptide composites for electrical sensing of water vapor
*Taisei Takasuka, Yuhei Hayamizu
Graphene and 2D materials: Synthesis and growth
In-situ observation of various vapor-liquid-solid growth regimes of monolayer WS2 in substrate-stacked microreactors
*Yutaro Senda, Yasuhiko Hayashi, Hiroo Suzuki
Graphene and 2D materials: Chemistry
Induction of chemical reactions by graphene-based tunnel junctions: competition between hot-electron and electrochemical effects
Nao Sakiyama, Kazuki Nishibara, Takayuki Arie, *Ryo Nouchi
Graphene and 2D materials: Transport property
Transition from p+-type to ambipolar in both non-degenerated and degenerated Nb-doped WSe2
*Kaito Kanahashi, Itsuki Tanaka, Tomonori Nishimura, Kohei Aso, Limi Chen, Takafumi Kakeya, Yoshifumi Oshima, Yukiko Yamada-Takamura, Keiji Ueno, Kosuke Nagashio
Carbon nanotubes: Applications
Durable Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells Using Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes Transparent Thin-film Electrodes
*Yutaka Matsuo