Yoshiyuki Miyamoto (AIST)
Yasufumi Takahashi (Nagoya University)
Visualization of the catalytic activity on 2 D materials using scanning probe microscopy
Satoshi Yamazaki (Furukawa Electric)
Structure and electrical resistivity of wires made from carbon nanotubes
Minfang Zhang (AIST)
Investigating and accelerating the degradation of CNTs in macrophages and solutions for risk management
Vincent Tung (The University of Tokyo)
Wafer-scale Epitaxial Growth of Single-Crystal Three-atom-thick Nanoribbons and beyond
Xiaohui Wang (Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science)
Stabilizing MXene suspension with glycerol
Susumu Saito (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Forty years of research on nanostructured carbon materials
Riichiro Saito (Tohoku University)
Progress and Perspective of Carbon Nanotube
Masahito Sano (Yamagata University)
Chemical Physics of Carbon Nanotubes in Solution
Masaki Hada (Tsukuba University)
Multitimescale time-resolved electron diffraction measurements for nanocarbon materials
Akira Hida (Riken)
Controlled-NOT gate based on excitons in carbon nanotube coupled quantum dots
Sofie Cambre (University of Antwerp)
Hyperspectral Detection of the Fluorescence Shift between Enantiomers of Empty and Water-Filled Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Esko I. Kauppinen (Aalto University)
Electrical characterization of SWNT bundles
Natsumi Komatsu (UCLA)
Electronic transport and thermoelectric studies of ultrahigh conductivity carbon nanotube fibers
Tae-Woo Lee (Seoul National University)
Two-Dimensional Graphene and MXene Electrodes for Flexible and Stretchable Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
Cheol-Joo Kim (POSTECH)
Engineering Stacking and Stitching Boundaries in 2D Materials
Heejun Yang (KAIST)
Van der Waals Heterostructures for Orbital Gating in Photo-transistors and Electronic Spectroscopy
Hyeon Suk Shin (UNIST)
Growth of Single-Crystal Hexagonal Boron Nitride by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Sumio Iijima (Meijo University)
Rediscovery of Graham Bell's photo-thermal acoustic phenomena in nanostructured materials