
DateFMar. 2-4, 2010

PlaceFMeijo University@¨@Access
@@Tempaku Campus
@@Meijo University
@@1-501 Shiogamaguchi,Tempaku-ku,Nagoya City, Aichi,Japan

TopicsFNanoscience and nanotechnology associated with fullerenes, nanotubes and related materials.

PresentationsFOral and Poster (as usual)

Main Poster


Registration and Abstract Submission
Deadline: Jan. 12, 2010

Go to Abstract Submission form ¨@CLOSED

EAbstract manuscript is 1 Page with A4 Paper in English.
EPlease submit the abstract as PDF file with ".pdf" extension. Please be sure to embed all fonts in the document.
EWe cannot correct PDF file, so please check your abstract before submission.
EWe will register your file name automatically when you upload the abstract file.
EIf you have trouble with your submission, please contact here.

Young Scientist Poster Award

Deadline: Jan. 12, 2010

Application Method
A person wishing to apply for the Young Scientist Poster Award should do so when applying to give a presentation at the symposium.
Please apply for the registration and abstract submission, select "Apply to the Young Scientist Poster Award" by the abstract submission form, and fill in date of birth and the age.

Notice to applicant
(1)An applicant for the Young Scientist Poster Award must be a member of the Society at the time of application.
(2)We have established the Young Scientist Poster Award to recognize superior poster presentations by students and young researchers (in principle, 31 years of age or younger at the time of application).
(3)Please apply by "Poster presentation".

¦An applicant may submit only one application based on a single presentation.

Regulations for the Fullerenes and Nanotubes Research Societyfs Young Scientist Poster Award is HERE.


No pre-registration for symposium or banquet is necessary!
All registrations will be ON-SITE

Registration Fee
Member Normal Student
\5,000 \2,500
Non-member Normal Student
\1,0000 \5,000
Supporting Member \75,000 per 5 Member

Above registration fee includes one copy of proceedings.

Annual Membership Fee: \8,000 for general, \4,000 for students, \75,000 per share for supporting members.





kOral Sessionl
Default presentation media is PC projector.
Please use your PC.
If you are Mac user, do not forget to bring your 15 pin connector, please.
Please connect your PC to the projector and check to work properly before your presentation.

kPoster Sessionl
Poster panel size is width 90 cm x height 210 cm.
Poster preview (OHP only) is 1 minite, within 3 transparencies.
Please put your poster on the board

Special Lecture

Eiji AkibaiKURARAYLIVING Co., Ltd., Research & Development Department, Managerj
hCNT Coated Conductive Fiber gCNTECh- Development, Applications and Risk Assessment -h

Eiji OsawaiNanoCarbon Research Institutej
hRecent Developments in Nanodiamond Researchh

Hidefumi HiuraiNano Electronics Research Laboratories,@NEC Corporationj
gA Brief Retrospective and Perspective of Graphene Researchh

Tadahiko MashinoiFaculty of Pharmacy, Keio Universityj
hBiological Application of Fullerene Derivativesh

Yasujiro Murata iInstitute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Universityj
hOrganic Synthesis of Endofullerenes Encapsulating a Small Moleculeh

Haeseong LeeiDept. of Nanomaterials Engineering, Jeonju University, Koreaj
hStandardization on carbon nanotubesh


`The 6th Tutorial`

R. Saito(Tohoku Univ.)
TitleFhIntroduction to resonance Raman spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes and nano-carbon.h
DateF15:00`16:30, Mar. 2, 2010
PlaceF‚m103 Lecture Room
DeadlineF1st, Feb., 2010@¦ When application becomes 30 people, it is closed.
The 6th Tutorial Application Form is HERE.
¦Members only


DateF18:30`, Mar. 3, 2010
PlaceFF15 of Tower75 in Meijo University
Participation FeeF\5,000

`The Osawa Award, Iijima Award, Osawa Award for Young Scientists, and Iijima Award for Young Scientists Ceremony`

DateFMar. 3, 2010, After Lunch
PlaceFMeijo Hall (Oral Hall)

yThe 6th Osawa Awardz
Koji Asaka(Department of Quantum, Nagoya Univerysity)
hSynthesis, Mechanical and Electric Characterization of a Multiwall Carbon Nanocapsule Studied by in -situ Transmission Electron Microscopyh

yThe 6th Iijima Awardz
DaisukeTakagi(‚mTT ‚a‚sic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation)
hCarbon Nanotube Growth from Diamond Nanoparticlesh

yThe Osawa Award for Young Scientistsz
Fatin Hajjaj(School of Engineering Center for NanoBio Integration, The University of Tokyo)
hHost-Guest Spin Communication Switchable by Guest Confinementh


Nagoya Convention and Visitors Burea


The Fullerenes and Nanotubes Research Society
Tel: +81-52-789-5948
FAX: +81-52-747-6442