
The Fullerenes and Nanotubes Reserch Society

The Chemical Society of Japan
Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Electrochemical Society of Japan
The Society of Polymer Science,Japan

Date:Mar. 2-4, 2009

Place:Meijo University → Access
  Tempaku Campus
  Meijo University
  1-501 Shiogamaguchi,Tempaku-ku,Nagoya City, Aichi,Japan

Topics:Nanoscience and nanotechnology associated with fullerenes, nanotubes and related materials.

Presentations:Oral and Poster (as usual)

Main Poster


Go to Abstract Submission Page

Registration and Abstract Submission
Deadline: Jan. 9, 2009 → CLOSED Thank you.

・Abstract manuscript is 1 Page with A4 Paper in English.
・Please submit the abstract as PDF file with ".pdf" extension. Please be sure to embed all fonts in the document.
・We cannot correct PDF file, so please check your abstract before submission.
・We will register your file name automatically when you upload the abstract file.
・If you have trouble with your submission, please contact here.

Registration Fee

No pre-registration for symposium or banquet is necessary!
All registrations will be ON-SITE.

Registration Fee
Member Normal Student
\5,000 \2,500
Non-member Normal Student
\10,000 \5,000
Supporting Member \75,000 per 5 Members

Above registration fee includes one copy of proceedings.

Annual Membership Fee: \8,000 for general, \4,000 for students, \75,000 per share for supporting members.





〔Oral Session〕
Default presentation media is PC projector.
Please use your PC.
If you are Mac user, do not forget to bring your 15 pin connector, please.
Please connect your PC to the projector and check to work properly before your presentation.

〔Poster Session〕
Poster panel size is width 90 cm x height 210 cm.
Poster preview (OHP only) is 1 minite, within 3 transparencies.
Please put your poster on the board before the preview session.

 Special Lecture

Hiroshi Imahori(Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) Kyoto University)
"Creation of Fullerene- and Carbon Nanotube-Based Artificial Photosynthetic Systems"

Suguru NODA(Department of Chemical System Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
"SWCNT Growth on Substrates Studied by a Combinatorial Method"

Kun'ichi Miyazawa(Fullerene Engineering Group, Advanced Nano Materials Laboratory, National Institute for Materials Science)
"Synthesis and properties of fullerene nanowhiskers and related fullerene nanomaterials"

Shuichi Yamana(Vitamin C60 BioResearch Corporation CEO)
"Business Development of Fullerenes in Life Science Applications"

Yudasaka Masako(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Nanotube Research Center)
"Application of carbon nanohorns to anti-cancer drug carriers"

Fumio Watari(Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University)
"Biological Reaction of Nanotubes and Nanoparticles :Functions and Risk Assessment"


〜The 5th Tutorial〜

Shigeo Maruyama(Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
Title: "CVD Growth and Characterization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes"
Date:15:00〜16:30, Mar. 2, 2009
Place:N103 Lecture Room
※member only

Registration is closed..


Date:18:30〜, Mar. 3, 2009
Place:F15 of Tower75 in Meijo University
Participation Fee:\5,000

Osawa Award and Iijima Award Ceremony

Date:Mar. 3, 2009, After Lunch
Place:Meijo Hall (Oral Hall)

【The 5th Osawa Award】
Yasuhiro Shirai(National Institute for Materials Science)
"Design, Synthesis, and Testing of Fullerene-wheeled Nanocars"

【The 5th Iijima Award】
Takeshi Tanaka(Nanotechnology Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology(AIST))
"Simple Separation of Metallic and Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes"

Yuhei Hayamizu(Nanotube Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology(AIST))
"Integrated Three-Dimensional Microelectromechanical Devices from Processable Carbon Nanotube Wafers"


Nagoya Convention and Visitors Bureau


The Fullerenes and Nanotubes Research Society
Tel: +81-52-789-5948
FAX: +81-52-747-6442