About The Fullerenes and Nanotubes Resea‚’ch SocietyThe Chemical Society of Japan Japan Society of Applied Physics The Electrochemical Society of Japan The Society of Polymer Science,Japan Date: Mar. 3-5, 2008 Place: Meijo University (Tempaku Campus) -----> Access Topics: Nanoscience and nanotechnology associated with fullerenes, nanotubes and related materials. Presentations: Oral and Poster (as usual) Lunch map Main Poster ![]() Registration Registration and Abstract Submission----->Closed, Thank you. Deadline: Jan. 9, 2008,12 p.m. Abstract Sample:pdf/ word [Notice!!!] 1: Abstract manuscript is 1 Page with A4 Paper in English. 2: We will register your file name automatically when you upload the abstract file. 3: For Mac user, please check extension, PDF or DOC, when you submit abstract. 4: If you can not register property, pleae contact here. Registration@Fee No pre-registration for symposium or banquet is necessary! All registrations will be ON-SITE.
Annual Membership Fee: \8,000 for general, \4,000 for students, \75,000 per share for supporting members. Banquet Mar. 4: Start 18:30-20:30,at TOWER 75 in Meijo University Participation Fee: \5,000- Program Presentation kOral Sessionl Default presentation media is PC projector. Please use your PC. If you Mac user, do not forget to bring your 15 pin connector, please. Please check your PC can connect to projector and work properly before your presentation. kPoster Sessionl Poster panel size is width 90 cm x height 210 cm. Poster preview (OHP only) is 1 minite, within 3 transparencies. Please attach your poster before the preview session. Special Lecture Yuji Awano(MIRAI-Selete, Fujitsu Limited, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltdj"Carbon nanotube LSI via interconnects" Yasuharu Okamoto(Nano Electronics Research Laboratories) "In silico catalyst design for fuel cells" Shuichi Tahara(Nano Electronics Research Laboratories) "Review of Nanotechnology R&D in NEC" Dean Ho (Departments of Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Northwestern University) "Applications of Nanodiamond Hydrogels Toward Biology and Medicine" Nikos Tagmatarchis iTheoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, Greecej "Chemical Modification of Carbon Nanohorns" Eiji Nishibori(Deparment of Applied Physics, Nagoya University) "The structures of endohedral metallofullerene by the systematic structural studies from SR powder diffraction data" Yutaka Matsuo(Nakamura Functional Carbon Cluster Project, ERATO, JST) "Electronic and Photo-electrochemical Functions of Fullerene-Metal Complexes" Symposium Event The 4th Tutorial iLecturerj Dr. Hiromichi Kataura (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) "Purification, Separation, and Evaluation of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes" Mar. 3 : After Lunch (to be announced) Osawa Award and Iijima Award Ceremony The 4th Osawa Award ¡Michio Yamada (University of Tsukuba) "Positional Control of Encapsulated Metal Atoms Inside a Fullerene Cage by Exohedral Chemical Functionalization" The 4th Iijima Award ¡Dr. Minfang Zhang (SORST-JST, c/o NEC) "Fabrication of ZnPc-Nanohorn-Protein Nanohybrid for Photodynamic Therapy" ¡Dr. Kazuhiro Yanagi (AIST) "Transparent Carbon Nanotubes for Encapsulated Dyes -Toward the complete separation of metallic and semiconducting SWCNTs-" Mar. 4: Start 13:00`, Banquet Mar. 4: Start 18:30-20:30,at TOWER 75 in Meijo University Participation Fee: \5,000- Sightseeing Nagoya Convention and Visitors BureauContact The Fullerenes and Nanotubes Research SocietyTel: +81-52-789-5948 FAX: +81-52-789-1169 E-mailFfullerene@nano.chem.nagoya-u.ac.jp WEBFhttp://fullerene-jp.org/ |