Presented by The Fullerenes and Nanotubes Research Society


Date: Feb. 13-15, 2007
Place: Meijo University (Tempaku Campus) -----> Access
Topics: Nanoscience and nanotechnology associated with fullerenes, nanotubes and related materials.
Presentations: Oral and Poster (as usual)


Registration and Abstract Submission
----->Closed, Thank you.

Deadline: Dec. 4, 2006
Abstract Sample:pdf/ word

1: Abstract manuscript is 1 Page with A4 Paper in English.
2: We will register your file name automatically when you upload the abstract file.
3: For Mac user, please check extension, PDF or DOC, when you submit abstract.
4: If you can not register property, pleae contact here.

Registration Fee
Member Normal Student
\5,000 \2,500
Non-member Normal Student
\10,000 \5,000
Supporting Member \75,000 per 5 Members


Default presentation media is PC projector.
Poster panel size is width 90 cm x height 210 cm.
Poster preview (OHP only) is 1 minite, within 3 transparencies.

Invited Talk

1:Prof.Kenichiro Koga(Department of Chemistry, Okayama University)
"Phase transitions of water and simple liquids in carbon nanotubes"

2:Sumita Yuzo(SUMITA Nanotechnologies Inc.President)
"Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes and Development of Transparent Conductive Coatings"

3:Prof.Stephan Irle(Institute for Advanced Research & Department of Chemistry,Nagoya University)
"Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Fullerene and Carbon Nanotube Self-Assembly"

4:Prof.Shigeru Nagase(Department of Theoretical Molecular Science, Institute for Molecular Science)
"Structures of Endohedral Metallofullerenes"

5:Dr.Takashi NAKANISHI(Organic Nanomaterials Center, National Institute for Materials Science)
"Novel Approaches for Materialization of Supramolecular Fullerenes"

6:Junzo Yana , NIKKISO CO. , LTD. Research & Resource Manegement Department Business Development & Resource Manegement, Manager
"Present status of SWCNT mass production & future problems"

Symposium Event

Feb. 13: After Lunch (to be announced)

Osawa Award and Iijima Award Ceremony
The 3rd Osawa Award
■Dr.Shigeru Deguchi(Extremobiosphere Research Center,Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC))
"Novel Functionalization of Fullerenes by Formation of Nanoparticles"
■Dr.Yutaka Matsuo(Nakamura Functional Carbon Cluster Project,ERATO,JST and Department of Chemistry,The University of Tokyo)
"Light Emitting and Liquid Crystalline Functions of Organic/Inorganic Functionalized Fullerenes"

The 3rd Iijima Award
■Dr.Takeshi Saito(Research Center for Advanced Carbon Materials,National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST))
"Spinning of High Strength Fiber Using SWNTs synthesized by the Enhanced Direct-Injection-Pyrolytic-Synthesis(e-DIPS)Method"
■Dr.Don N. Futaba(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST))
"Shape Engineerable Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Bulk Solid"

Feb. 14: Start 13:00~,

Feb. 14: Start 18:30, at TOWER 75 in Meijo University
Participation Fee: \5,000-


Fullerenes and Nanotubes Research Society
Tel: +81-52-789-5948
FAX: +81-52-789-1169